And Other Facts Your Dental Patients Need to Know

There is no better time than the present to educate your patients on how to better care for their teeth.

But don’t just hit them with the, “You really need to be flossing everyday,” same old spiel. Hit them up with some facts that are hard to forget and will help educate them in a fun way.

Here are some fast facts you can add to your next email newsletter, social post, or blog that your dental patients need to know–and might actually scare them into better oral hygiene practices!

How Much Sugar Does it Take to Rot Your Teeth?

It only takes 20 seconds after consuming sugar for it to start damaging the enamel on your teeth.

Sugar acts as a fuel for acid-generating bacteria that corrodes the enamel on your teeth, making them much more susceptible to decay. The bottom line: don’t consume lots of sugary foods (the recommended dietary intake is 4 teaspoons a day) and brush your teeth 2 to 3 times per day to prevent your enamel from corroding.

Is Not Flossing Really that Bad?

Brushing your teeth without flossing is like washing only 65% of your body.

Flossing doesn’t just remove popcorn stuck between your teeth. Food debris removed by dental floss contains more than 500 different species of bacteria, which can lead to bad breath (halitosis). 

Is There Fecal Matter on Your Toothbrush?

Depending on the study you look at, the average toothbrush can contain anywhere from 10 million to 100 million bacteria, including E. coli and staphylococci. 

The most convenient place to store your toothbrush for many is on the bathroom counter. But this also happens to be the worst place, especially if your counter is in close proximity to your toilet. Each time you flush the toilet, a cloud of fecal bacteria is released into the air, landing on every surface in the vicinity–including your toothbrush on the counter. To minimize getting these germs in your mouth, store your toothbrush in your medicine cabinet and close the lid of your toilet before you flush. Also, replace your toothbrush after you have been sick and every 3-4 months. 

How Much Bacteria is On My Tongue?

Your tongue harbors an estimated 50% of the bacteria in your mouth.

That’s why it’s important to clean your tongue regularly. After brushing your teeth, rinse your toothbrush off then use it to brush your tongue for 15 to 30 seconds and rinse it again. You can also use a tongue scraper. Be sure to use an antiseptic mouthwash to help kill bacteria in your mouth and reduce plaque on your teeth. If you get dry mouth, try swishing a mouthwash specifically designed to help with the issue. 

Final Thoughts

It’s important to help educate your dental patients on the importance of good oral hygiene. By providing them with some fun, fast facts, you make educating them on mouth health more fun. Plus, these statistics might literally scare them into forming better oral hygiene habits! 


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