How to Re-engage Your Patients After the Stay-At-Home Orders Get Lifted

Getting Back to Normal After the Coronavirus

Many states and local governments have issued stay-at-home orders to help slow the spread of Coronavirus and it is affecting many dental and eye care practices. You may be open but not seeing many patients or if your business isn’t considered essential by your government, then your doors are currently closed. However, this is a temporary situation and despite the strange times we are living in, there are a few things you can do to re-engage your patients after the stay-at-home orders get lifted.

What to Do Now: Continue Communicating with Your Patients

If you are still open and seeing less patients or even if you are temporarily closed, it’s a good idea to still stay in communication with your patients. By continuing communication now, it will be much easier to re-engage your patients later when things get back to normal. For example, if you are still open, it’s a good idea to let your patients know what you are doing to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Here are a few ideas on communication channels:

  • Consider ramping up your newsletters, sending pertinent information when it’s warranted. 
  • Increase your social media presence. These can be posts about the virus specifically, or even just sharing some light, positive content to help take people’s minds off the current events.
  • Telemedicine: offer telemedicine to your patients so they can seek advice while at home on new or ongoing health issues they may be experiencing.
  • Seek/Make Donations: People want to know you care. Make a donation to help with the ongoing battle against Coronavirus and encourage your patients to do the same if they are able. One great example is to ask for monetary donations to a local food bank. Consider donating any of your own gloves and masks to local hospitals and don’t forget to let your patients know you have done so. 
  • Send out care packages to help patients stay sane during this time at home. Our Rollens wrap-around shades are a fun, lightweight item to throw into something like this. Encourage patients to get creative with costumes or fun videos with the stuff you send them. You could even do a contest and giveaway prizes to the most creative use of the goodies you send out.

What to Do Later: Getting Back to Business as Usual

When stay-at-home orders are lifted, you can begin to get back to normal. While you can implement these ideas later, it is a good idea to begin to plan for them now.

  • Send out reminders for patients if they are in need of scheduling an appointment to ensure you are getting patients back in the door as soon as possible. Send personal reminders as well as reminding patients in your newsletter and on social media.  
  • Offer a discount on services or products for a patient’s first visit back.
  • Start a loyalty program with rewards if you don’t already have one--it’s a great way to show you appreciate your patients!
  • Host a picnic or BBQ. Or even do a drawing for some swag. It’s something fun and can remind your patients that you truly care and just aren’t after their money.
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