The Power of Design: What Your Office Says About Your Practice

You walk into your office each day and may think that it’s just a medical practice.  However, your patients walk into your office and see hundreds of subtle messages about who you are.

A huge piece of that impression is created by the architecture of your space. Yes, the chairs you have in your waiting room matter. The colors on the walls matter. The artwork selection matters. Why? It all says something important about your practice and gives your patients subtle clues about you.

Quality Matters

Think people don’t pay attention to details? Think again! As a business that provides disposable wrap-a-round lenses so doctors can provide a better patient experience, we know that details matter. The truth is that your patients ARE noticing when your wallpaper is peeling, your chair rails are dented and scratched, and your carpet is worn. Caring for the overall quality and upkeep of your physical environment tells your patients that you will care about their health.

Color Matters

Think about the fast food restaurants you drive by or eat at. Odds are these restaurants will use bright primary colors, usually in a combination of red, yellow and blue. Now think about the law firms or financial planners you see. Odds are they use some deep blue, green or plum in their branding because people tend to associate these deep colors with trust and loyalty. Color has an amazing power to evoke certain emotions and connotations. Take a look through at your interior design and the colors you are using. Do these colors match the branding and emotions you want your patients to feel?

Flow Matters

The way people move throughout a space is the flow of the office. Choppy, disjointed spaces have their benefits for privacy, which can be vital for personal private health care. However, there are spaces where you don’t necessarily want people to feel closed off. The waiting area and front desk are two spaces where you want more openness and volume so that people feel welcome. The three-dimensional environment plays a huge factor in how people experience your practice.


Bright spaces have a more modern, fresh and clean feel. They also help to portray your practice as more cutting-edge and forward thinking. Conversely, a dark space can have the opposite connotation, which isn’t necessarily a good one. If your office space is naturally dark, there are things you can do with lighting fixtures, color selection and more to make a space feel more bright, modern and welcoming. 

The little details matter. While you may be focused on patient care from day-to-day, your patients are focused on their first impressions when they walk into your professional office. The design of your private practice can have a profound impact on how they perceive your practice and their overall experience!

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15350 East Hinsdale Drive, Unit H, Centennial, CO, 80112

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