We’ve all experienced glare in one form or another, but often we don’t think about what we can do to protect our eyes from glare.

People often see the polarization option as simply something that increases the price of lenses. However, proper education can help your eye-care patients and the public understand why polarization is so important, especially in winter. 

What is polarization?

Sunlight is either absorbed or reflected in multiple directions. When sunlight reflects off of a horizontal surface, such as roads, car hoods or water, it reflects back horizontally.  This created a very strong glare, which can interfere with our vision. Polarized lenses have a laminated filter that only allows vertical light rays to pass through, eliminating this horizontal glare. 

Who can benefit from polarization?

Drivers – Any sort of precipitation on roads, whether rain or snow, combined with sunlight, can cause dangerous glare. Purchasing sunglasses that have polarization helps drivers see better, which makes them safer drivers. 

Fisherman – Fisherman want to be able to see through the water’s surface to find the fish. Horizontal glare detracts from the ability to do so, thus making fishing much harder to find. Fisherman love polarized lenses because it makes fishing much more enjoyable. 

Outdoor Enthusiasts – Skiers, snowboarders and boaters are just a few of the many outdoor enthusiasts who can benefit from polarized lenses. Decreasing glare, along with general eye protection from the sun, allows for a better, safer outdoor experience. 

Anyone – It’s true. Anyone can benefit from polarized lenses for most activities. The reduction of glare reduces eye strain, which anyone can appreciate any time of year.

Many people think that sunglasses and polarization are only relevant in the summer. It makes sense because it’s generally sunnier in the summer.

However, polarized sunglasses can be a major benefit throughout the year as sunny days turn into glaring days as snow melts or rain falls. Knowing why polarization is so important can help you improve overall optical sales, as well as your patients’ and customers’ eye health.

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